From SCP: Secret Laboratory Public Beta Official Wiki

Revision as of 00:22, 1 September 2021 by Jamintheinfinite (talk | contribs)

Basic Info
Type Rifle
Cartridge Type 7.62x39mm
Ammo Capacity 30
Basic Stats
Fire Rate 498 8.3 bullets per second
Damage Falloff The max distance a bullet will travel
before being affected by damage fall off
Equip Time ??s
Pick-Up Time Higher weight increases time 0.93s Unrounded value: 0.9275s
Weight 3.9kg
Length 28.1in
Other Info
Attachment Comb  240
Spawns on On Chaos Riflemens
Obtainable from 914? True
Deletion % in PD Pocket Dimension Medium Tier (30%)
Disarm Immunity? Does having this item equipped make the player
immune to being disarmed?
Spawn ID 40

In Game

The AK is a type of firearm in SCP: Secret Laboratory. It is an Automatic Rifle found exclusively on Chaos Riflemen. The weapon has a very low hip fire accuracy, but a slightly higher ADS fire accuracy, thus making the weapon more efficient when aiming down sights. The AK is a medium weight weapon but its fast fire rate makes the recoil sporadic and unpredictable. In general, the AK is best used in medium range firefights as minor attachment modifications can help make it more stable as well as easier to fire consistently at targets. The Laser attachment can largely increase the hip fire accuracy (as with all guns that can take the attachment) and assist with long durations. The AK's high customizability allows for 240 different combinations, allowing anyone's playstyle to be accounted for.

The AK's rounds are fairly limited, as Chaos Riflemen spawn with them, and can be found nowhere else within Site-02. Therefore, the only way to gain more AK rounds is to pick them up from deceased Chaos Insurgents, or using SCP-914.



Equip Animation
Inspect Animation
Reload Animation
Full Reload Animation
Unload Animation
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